BROOKS 5850E(美国布鲁克斯原装进口) 【各项技术参数】 这台仪器以数值精确,操作简单,反应灵敏,运行稳定的特点受到客户的青睐,中国计量院*使用产品,生产厂家历史悠久,技术和售后完善,本仪器广泛应用于微电子、医疗制药、生化制品、血液制品、食品卫生、化妆用品、精密机械、精细化工和航天航等部门,价格更是比同类型产品优惠很多,是您值得拥有的一款产品 5850E: Analog Thermal Mass Flow Controller, 3 - 30,000 sccm, Elastomer Seals The Brooks Model 5850E elastomer sealed analog mass flow controller accurately measures and controls gas flows of 3 - 30,000 sccm (Nitrogen). Brooks’ extremely stable flow sensor provides reliable, repeatable and accurate flow measurement even under varying process conditions. It eliminates the need for continuous monitoring and readjustment of gas pressures to provide a stable gas flow. 流量范围:3sccm-30slpm 精度:1% FS 较大压力:100bar 1500psig 温度:65℃ 150F 信号:0-5V